Welcome to DIET/GISTC Hoshiarpur

District Institute of Education and Training Hoshiarpur

Teacher Training under DIET

Technical Training to subject teachers under AIF-RMSA.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Teachers Participating in activities During Training

Teachers Participating in activities During  Training 

Let's Play Bingo...

                                                  Let's Play Bingo...
Teachers Participating in Bingo activity During Training.

DIET Principal S. Mohan Singh addressing S.St. Teachers

S.St. Batch
(3 Days Seminar) 
January 2014

DIET Principal S. Mohan Singh addressing S.St. Teachers about Pedagogy & the use of Technology in their subject.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

SSA Pedagogy Seminar

SSA Pedagogy Seminar 

Starts from 13-01-14 to 15-01-14 (Phase-1) & 16-01-14 to 18-01-14 (Phase-2)